Power of Knowledge Series lecture on Herbs and Health benefits deemed a success.

— February 17, 2020

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On Wednesday, February 12th , 2020, Dr. Tasheena
Maccow- Thomas presented the Power of Knowledge Series segment of the Black History
Month under the theme” Passing On Our Legacy” of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library activities.
Power of Knowledge Series lecture on Herbs and Health benefits deemed a success.
The evening’s session was an informative and interactive presentation on “ the usage of herbsand its benefits”. Dr. Tasheena Maccow- Thomas, owner of TEE-ZAN, shared her knowledgethat was passed on through generations as a child from Columbier surrounded by her grandmotherand other family members and their practices using the herbs in their surroundings. As she grewinto adulthood she quickly realized that they understood the medicinal aspect of the holistic andnatural care and usage of herbs.

Dr. Tasheena Maccow-Thomas through her presentation stressed the importance of the usage ofherbs, when best to use them and how to use them to reap the benefits and purposes for cleansingand maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The participants in attendance were mainly adults and embraced the information thoroughly,asked her numerous questions and welcomed the treat to some cups of tea afterward after a brieftour into the library.

Dr. Tasheena Maccow- Thomas will be back at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library’s in anothersegment of the Power Of Knowledge Series to do more in-depth lectures.

Through the “ The Power of Knowledge Series”, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library will continue toorganize lecture series that are designed to equip and empower the community of Sint Maartenwith knowledge on various important topic that affects their everyday life and their health.

The Black History Month event will continue on Saturday, February 15 th, with storytelling byGreta Marlin, and followed by more activities throughout the month such as a musicalperformance by the National Youth Orchestra with Mr. Connis Vanterpool, Poetry and; DancePerformances by Ms. Tamara Groeneveldt, Students of the St. Maarten Montessori School and; Mr. Rudolph Davis, and storytime by Mr. Sergio Bryson.

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will continue to encourage the public at large to come out andsupport these organized events and stimulate and urge the public to renew or become a newmember of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library.

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