Staff seminar library about team building

— November 15, 2011

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From October 29 until November 1st the staff of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library enjoyed a historical staff seminar at Duzon’s restaurant in Cole bay. It was the first time in the history of the library a staff seminar was held. Central theme of the seminar was ‘ team building’. The seminar kicked of with a cultural dinner party on Sunday evening.
Staff seminar library about team building
President of the library board Mrs. Chantal Schaminee performed the opening speech in which she emphasized the importance of team building.

The MC of the evening was well known singer Lavaune Henry. Several staff members performed humorous skits about daily situations in the library. Poet Lyzanne Charles recited a thought provoking poem and singer/poet Morenika Arrindell performed a few beautiful songs. The first work session started early Monday morning with a presentation about he new role of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library in the changing society by Library Director Monique Alberts NLP-trainer Cherida Creebsburg facilitated several sessions of “encouragement training “during both days of the seminar. Yoga trainer Henk de Vries lead sessions on meditation and yoga. WICSU president William Reed educated the participants on various labor issues such as the rights and obligations of employers and the importance of having a Central Labor Agreement ( CLA). JCI senator Mr. Warno Kartokromo chaired all seminar meetings and made sure these meetings were conducted as efficient and democratic as possible. At the end of the last day all staff members voiced their content and enthusiasm about the results of the seminar and agreed that it should be repeated in the years to come. President Chantal Schaminee thanked all participants for their contributions and commitment. Director Monique Alberts also expressed her gratitude to staff members and , trainers Special thanks went out to staff member Lucille Kolf-Chumney who was the main organizer of this successful staff seminar.

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