
Library offers media literacy courses for teens and parents

Library offers media literacy courses for teens and parents

The Media Lab in the library currently has a new course available for teens and their parents. The course will touch upon all aspects in the area of Media Literacy and safety online.
Library celebrates 35 years of service by Shirley Richardson

Library celebrates 35 years of service by Shirley Richardson

Today, September 1st 2015 Philipsburg Jubilee Library staff member Shirley Richardson is celebrating 35 years of loyal service to the library.
Library re-opens computer courses for seniors

Library re-opens computer courses for seniors

Starting September 4th, 2015, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library will re-open courses for seniors on the use of computers in the Media Lab.
The computer courses, which were a great success in the first half of 2015, will be back again for the latter part of 2015.
Library closes off two successful summer camps

Library closes off two successful summer camps

During the month of July, the library was home to a summer camp program for children and one for teenagers. Throughout the month the children took part in a reading program, as well as a great number of activities.
Library hosts teenager’s poetry evening

Library hosts teenager’s poetry evening

On July 30th, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library will be hosting a poetry evening by the teenagers from the library’s summer camp. All are invited to come to the library and hear what our teenagers have to offer on poetry.
Summer camp for kids at the library

Summer camp for kids at the library

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library is organizing a summer camp for children between the ages of 7 to 12. From the 14th of July to July 31st children will get a chance to take part in a variety of educational and enjoyable activities that will take place at the library.
Grace period and summer opening hours at PJL

Grace period and summer opening hours at PJL

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) would like to announce to the general public that it is adjusting its opening schedule for the summer months and is currently extending its annual summer grace period to its members.
Poetry, computer workshops and hiking for teens this summer at the library !

Poetry, computer workshops and hiking for teens this summer at the library !

The Philipsburg Jubilee library is organizing a vigorous and entertaining summer camp for teens aged 14 to 20, with several weeks packed full of fun-filled activities. If you don’t want your teenaged child to stay at home during the summer or if you’re a teen who wants to do something cool during your summer vacation, come and enroll yourself or your child for the library’s teen summer camp.
Baby and Toddler Rhyme Time volunteer training session

Baby and Toddler Rhyme Time volunteer training session

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library is looking for volunteers willing to lead a group of babies and toddlers during the weekly Rhyme Time sessions and is providing a training workshop for those interested. Every week, at Rhyme Time,
Media Lab courses in the library

Media Lab courses in the library

In the weeks of the 18th and the 25th of May the Media Lab in the Philipsburg Jubilee Library had a full schedule of computer workshops where people could come and learn about a variety of multimedia applications. These courses were taught by instructor Pauline Maas of the Netherlands.
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