
Island Gems foundation

Island Gems foundation

members and Philipsburg Jubilee Library Director, Monique Alberts(standing center) are seen here in the Children’s Section of the Philipsburg Jubilee Library,
Library and Jazzeko bring Kaseko to St. Maarten’s Shores

Library and Jazzeko bring Kaseko to St. Maarten’s Shores

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library in collaboration with the Jazzeko band invite you to their event, “An evening with Lieve Hugo: a taste of Suriname', on Saturday, November 2, at 7:30 pm, in the PJL Lounge.
Enjoy some cake and support your library

Enjoy some cake and support your library

What’s your favorite kind of cake to eat? Is it chocolate or vanilla? Do you enjoy cupcakes too? Maybe you like sprinkles on your cupcakes?
If you enjoy cupcakes and cakes of all flavors, then you are invited to come to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library’s fundraising
Bake Sale on Saturday, November 2 in support of your library’s anniversary.
Library opens registration for Halloween Reading & Costume Party

Library opens registration for Halloween Reading & Costume Party

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library has opened registration for their Halloween reading & costume party, which will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 6pm to 8pm.
The library has been organizing successful Halloween programs since 2009. At the core of the activities will be reading.
Free Information Session on Solar Energy at the library this Saturday

Free Information Session on Solar Energy at the library this Saturday

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will host an information session on solar panels and inverters on, Saturday, October 19, at 10:30am.
Members of the general public with an interest in solar powering their home or business are invited to attend this 1 hour information session about going solar.
PJL’s free E-Reading workshop for parents & students on Thursday

PJL’s free E-Reading workshop for parents & students on Thursday

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) in collaboration with Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise will be hosting an E-Reading workshop for students and parents, through the “Readers are Leaders” program, on Thursday, October 3, at 6pm.
Story hour at the library on Wednesday

Story hour at the library on Wednesday

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library offers Story Time every first and third Wednesday of the month, The program consists of storytelling, singing, related activities as crafting and games. Occasionally there are also puppet shows, performers and other special activities.
Power of Knowledge Series 2013

Power of Knowledge Series 2013

The Philipsburg Jubilee library will be hosting an informative and motivational series called “The Power of Knowledge”. Starting September 23, the library will be hosting a session focused on Knowing Your Rights.
Story hour at the library on Wednesday

Story hour at the library on Wednesday

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will continue its bi-weekly story hour on Wednesday, September 25th , at 3pm.
The library’s first story hour was held on Wednesday, September 18. At story hour, “Mo d Joker”, the fun clown, read the story “No Clowning Around in the Library
Story Time on Recycling this Saturday at the Library

Story Time on Recycling this Saturday at the Library

Do you want to learn about recycling? Would you like to read a story about Minna the rabbit who enjoys recycling? Then come to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library at 11:00am on Saturday, September 28 to get your chance.
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