The Library celebrates its 100th anniversary!


Philipsburg Jubilee Library ‘Power of Knowledge Series’ With its theme; “Passing on our legacy”

Philipsburg Jubilee Library ‘Power of Knowledge Series’ With its theme; “Passing on our legacy”

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library commemorates Black History Observance by its ‘Power of Knowledge Series’. On February 17, 2021, from 7 pm - 8 pm, it will be presented for the first time as a virtual forum titled ’Passing On Our Legacy’.
Black History Month Celebration! With its theme; “Passing on our legacy”

Black History Month Celebration! With its theme; “Passing on our legacy”

Annually, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library hosts Black History Observance in February, to commemorate and celebrate the remembrance of events and history of the African Diaspora. In light of the Black Lives Matter Movement, this observance becomes even more actual
Title of the book: Harold the hamster Author: Dava Pressberg

Title of the book: Harold the hamster Author: Dava Pressberg

Philipsburg Jubilee Library welcomes in the Christmas Season with a variety of Activities.

Philipsburg Jubilee Library welcomes in the Christmas Season with a variety of Activities.

Christmas Vendors Event
The Philipsburg Jubilee Library started its December program. It is a scaled-down program due to the COVID-19 risks that still apply. Instead of the well-known Christmas market, the visitor of the library will be treated to do some special Christmas fun shopping. From Tuesday, December first until Saturday, December 19, 2020, different vendors will present their goods at the entrance of your library,
The Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) is in the process of preparing

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) is in the process of preparing

for the construction a new building. The PJL is interested in your opinion about your library of the future. Please fill out this survey; it only takes one minute. Your opinion is highly appreciated.
LEARNING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY with the focus on “ Without the past, there is no future!

LEARNING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY with the focus on “ Without the past, there is no future!

Philipsburg Jubilee Library / Division Education and Innovation/ Division Public Education, and the iSTEP Technology Team of Ministry ECYS – to unveil for the second time its project “ Learning Through Technology” .
Bookweek 2020

Bookweek 2020

The children are reading Anywhere, Any Place, and Anytime. 'I don’t own the rights to the music that plays in the background'.
Reading Freaks Me Out. Part 10

Reading Freaks Me Out. Part 10

Reading Freaks Me Out. Part 9

Reading Freaks Me Out. Part 9

Reading Freaks Me Out. Part 8

Reading Freaks Me Out. Part 8

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